COVID-19 Business Tax Relief Tool

Redirecting you to the COVID-19 Business Tax Relief Tool. // Source:

TAS Tax Tip: Use Tax Withholding Estimator and Take Action on Your Tax Withholding Now

The Taxpayer Advocate Service encourages you to use the Tax Withholding Estimator now. The Tax Withholding Estimator is a mobile-friendly online tool designed to make it easier to have the right amount of tax withheld during the year. Who should … Read More

Blog de NTA: Modernización de los Sistemas de Tecnología (IT) por sus signas en inglés: la dependencia del IRS de sistemas de tecnología anticuados representa un riesgo continuo para la administración tributaria

Suscríbase al Blog de la NTA y reciba actualizaciones sobre las últimas publicaciones del blog de la Defensora Nacional del Contribuyente Erin M. Collins. Se pueden encontrar blogs adicionales en In English En mi publicación de blog anterior, hablé … Read More

NTA BLOG: IT Modernization – The IRS’s Reliance on Antiquated Technology Poses a Continuing Risk to Tax Administration

Subscribe to the NTA’s Blog and receive updates on the latest blog posts from National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins. Additional blogs can be found at In my previous blog post, I discussed the expansion of digital service options … Read More

TAS Tax Tip: Two Key Economic Impact Payment Dates

IRS takes new steps to ensure eligible individuals who normally do not have a filing requirement and have qualifying children receive $500 for each child, and other non-filers get extra time to claim their Economic Impact Payments (EIPs). September 30, … Read More

NTA BLOG: Lessons Learned From COVID-19: The Critical Need to Improve IRS Digital Services

Subscribe to the NTA’s Blog and receive updates on the latest blog posts from National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins. Additional blogs can be found at Individuals, businesses, schools, and federal and state agencies all continue to be impacted … Read More

Blog de NTA: Lecciones aprendidas de COVID-19: la necesidad crítica de mejorar los servicios digitales del IRS

Suscríbase al Blog de la NTA y reciba actualizaciones sobre las últimas publicaciones del blog de la Defensora Nacional del Contribuyente Erin M. Collins. Se pueden encontrar blogs adicionales en In English Al comienzo de la pandemia, se cerraron … Read More

TAS Tax Tip: You May Receive an Interest Payment From the IRS

This week the Treasury Department and the IRS announced they will send interest payments to about 13.9 million individual taxpayers who timely filed their 2019 federal income tax returns and are receiving refunds. Will I receive an interest payment? You … Read More

TAS Tax Tip: IRS Notice Information – Due Dates Extended

Many IRS notices were delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently the IRS began mailing backlogged letters and notices to taxpayers in the agency’s steps to return to normal operations. To save time and costs, the IRS, in most cases … Read More

TAS Tax Tip: Options available under COVID-19 rules for retirement accounts and IRAs

This tax tip simplifies available options for certain taxpayers that may need to withdraw money from existing retirement plans or IRAs to get cash or who may want to opt-out of the normally required retirement distribution payment, which may reduce … Read More