NTA Blog: Math Error Part II: Math Error Notices Aren’t Just Confusing; Millions of Notices Adjusting the Recovery Rebate Credit Also Omitted Critical Information

BLOG: Math Error Part II: Math Error Notices Aren’t Just Confusing; Millions of Notices Adjusting the Recovery Rebate Credit Also Omitted Critical Information   When the IRS uses its math error authority to correct an error on a taxpayer’s return, … Read More

TAS Tax Tip: Check out these Advance Child Tax Credit tools

The post TAS Tax Tip: Check out these Advance Child Tax Credit tools appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

Blog de la NTA: Blog sobre el Error Matemático, Parte I

The post Blog de la NTA: Blog sobre el Error Matemático, Parte I appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

NTA Blog: Math Error Part I

The post NTA Blog: Math Error Part I appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

TAS Tax Tip: Don’t wait – check your withholding now and report changes in circumstances to avoid a possible tax bill next year

The post TAS Tax Tip: Don’t wait – check your withholding now and report changes in circumstances to avoid a possible tax bill next year appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

Blog de la NTA: Usted también puede hacer una diferencia en la administración tributaria

The post Blog de la NTA: Usted también puede hacer una diferencia en la administración tributaria appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

NTA Blog: You Too Can Make a Difference in Tax Administration

The post NTA Blog: You Too Can Make a Difference in Tax Administration appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

Blog de la NTA: La incoherencia en el tratamiento tributario causa resultados draconianos para los compradores con ingresos bajos y medios de seguros del Mercado de Seguros Médicos

The post Blog de la NTA: La incoherencia en el tratamiento tributario causa resultados draconianos para los compradores con ingresos bajos y medios de seguros del Mercado de Seguros Médicos appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

NTA Blog: Inconsistent Tax Treatment Causes Draconian Results for Low- and Middle-Income Purchasers of Marketplace Health Insurance

The post NTA Blog: Inconsistent Tax Treatment Causes Draconian Results for Low- and Middle-Income Purchasers of Marketplace Health Insurance appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

TAS Tax Tip: Ten Things to Know About Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

The post TAS Tax Tip: Ten Things to Know About Advance Child Tax Credit Payments appeared first on Taxpayer Advocate Service. Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov