Each year, the IRS sponsors the Nationwide Tax Forums, a three-day series of tax education and networking conferences for tax professionals in cities around the country.

The 2018 Tax Forums featured the latest information from the IRS, news about tax law changes, a chance to meet with software vendors, and the opportunity to attend seminars presented by IRS and TAS employees in addition to members of professional associations.
TAS offered three seminars, oversaw the Case Resolution Program and held two focus groups. The TAS seminars received positive comments from many of the participants. TAS seminar topics included:

  • Advocating in Liability Cases using IRS Innocent Spouse Provisions – Innocent Spouse MLI
    This presentation defined the legal terms used in the code and the types of relief available under the statute. The course reviewed Form 8857, Request for Innocent Spouse Relief, and discussed how to effectively explain to the IRS why they should grant the requested form of relief.
  • Advocating for your Client in Cases Involving Charitable Contribution Deduction Issues
    This presentation started with a general overview of the rules for charitable contribution deductions under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code, a recurring topic discussed in the Most Litigated Issues section of the National Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress. Recent court cases were examined and advocacy tips for practitioners were provided.
  • Advocating for Your Uniformed Client – Military Tax Issues
    This presentation provided a general overview of the military tax issues, especially for those serving overseas and issues involving combat zone pay and exclusions, and refund claims under the Combat-Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016. If you missed this seminar, you can still take this seminar for credit; visit the IRS Tax Forum Online.

Case Resolution Program

This year, practitioners brought their toughest unresolved IRS case (one case per tax business) to the Case Resolution Program (CRP). IRS and TAS representatives with specialized expertise were available to meet with the practitioners one-on-one to discuss their case. Nearly 900 cases were worked at the tax forums with a 99% resolution rate.

Please make plans to join us next year and bring your toughest case. Start looking for information in the spring. Remember, you must present a signed, original or copy of your Power of Attorney to schedule the appointment.

Focus Groups

TAS hosted two focus groups this year at all five locations and practitioners were eager to give TAS their views. The topics were IRS Service Channels and Experiences with the IRS Audit Process. The National Taxpayer Advocate is very interested in practitioners’ opinions on these topics and how TAS can advocate for taxpayers in these areas.

Look for your opportunity to sign up for the 2019 Tax Forums this spring. We look forward to seeing you.

Source: taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

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